45 and Thrivin’!

I turned 45 on November 25th. While I’m happy that 45 isn’t what it used to be when I was little -“OLD”, I do believe that this birthday has been quite eye opening. I don’t mean to sound gloomy but let’s be realistic. The average black woman lives to be around 76 years old. Although, I personally know many black women who have lived to be well into their 80’s. It just hit me that my life is more than halfway over. I have more time behind me than in front of me. This got me to wondering about how I want to live this next half of my life. I wrote down a few words that I wanted to reflect the rest of my life…GENEROUS, FEARLESS, OPEN, and IMPACTFUL. There are so many places I want to see, lives I want to touch and people I want to meet and do life with. I made a goal to see 50 states before I turn 50. I have 20 states to go which means I need to see about 5 states a year in order to accomplish that. I’m up for the challenge!

I’ve also been creating more goals to take better care of my body. I hear so many people my age complaining about bad backs, knees, joints, and unable to do things they used to because of their health. I want to be the person in her 80’s still hiking mountains and running on the trail. Right now, I have a choice to have a better quality of life. I can work hard to stay in shape and eat better so I can live a more fulfilling life or I can let myself go and give in to comfort and complacency. Trust me, the ladder is the easiest! I have seen my body change over the last 5 years due to stress, lack of discipline, hormones and emotional eating. It takes whole nutha level of will power to push through and I am ready!!!

I was dating a guy who once told me that he quit playing professional basketball when someone asked him “What would people say about you at your funeral?” He said that he didn’t want to be known as just a great basketball player. Instead, he wanted to be remembered for adding value to people’s lives. I loved that. It’s not about being famous. It’s not about having stuff. For me, it’s about legacy and what you will leave behind for others to grow and thrive.

I’ve lived a dynamic life so far and I live in full gratitude for the experiences, opportunities and blessings God has given me over the years. I have spoken to millions of people through the airwaves during my radio career. I have been able to impact the lives of thousands of teens through my work with my non-profit. I was chosen to raise a beautiful and amazing girl who I know will continue my legacy of giving. I also know that God has much more for me to do. I can’t wait to see what’s to come. My goal is just to receive a “Job Well Done Jillian” when it’s all over.