Handling Our Emotions – 4 Quick Tips

Let me begin by being totally honest. I’ve never been great at handling my emotions! Some people tell me that it has to do with the time of the month I was born. Not sure about that but even when I try not to show my emotions…my face can’t hide it!

According to VeryWellMind.com, emotions are a complex state of feeling that results in physical and psychological changes that influence thought and behavior.  We tend to speak about our emotions as a bad thing. “Get out of your feelings!” – Have you heard that one? Why do emotions get such a bad rap? Emotions aren’t bad if managed well. They help us to communicate, identify areas that bring us happiness or sorrow and they allow us to be humans!

Some of our most common emotions include anger, surprise, sadness, disgust, happiness, fear and uninspired.

The problem comes in when we allow our emotions to consume us. What do we do when your emotions are preventing us from being great? Practicing how to “MANAGE” my emotions has been quite the journey. I have learned to give myself permission to feel, identify the wounds and release the emotions that aren’t serving me.

Here are a few quick tips to handle your emotions. We will just focus on 4 for the sake of this blog.

  1. When you are exhausted – GO NITE NITE! Take a nap and committing to giving yourself time to rest. You need it!
  2. When you are upset or frustrated – Get in a workout or go for a jog or a run. Cardio helps to kill the anger. I love boxing too!
  3. When you are anxious – Meditate and Practice Stillness ( You can find great meditations on YouTube!)
  4. When you are unmotivated – Take a bath with essential oils to activate your senses – or spending time in nature!

I hope these tips help! I would suggest anything that I haven’t tried myself. It works! Let me know how it works for you. Drop me a note on my Instagram @jjonthemic