Self-Care with the Trees

I have learned over the years the importance of celebrating my victories. I have developed a habit of doing this daily thanks to my Law of Attraction planner. Every day you set a reward for achieving your goals. Most of the time my daily rewards are pretty small; a Reece Cup, 3 episodes of Narcos, maybe I will even go out and purchase a plant. But my monthly rewards are much more exciting. Recently, I decided to reward myself with a short me-cation. It was sooooo hard to leave this place. 😩 I fully enjoyed everything about it! The beautiful pine trees🌲, the creepy bug sounds🦗,the smell of burning firewood 🔥, the free s’mores that weren’t on my meal plan but hey 🍫, waking up to the view of the sunrise in the forest. I was so filled with gratitude on my last day that I woke up and wrote everything I was grateful for on sticky notes and posted them on the huge window in my cabin. This me-cation was just what I needed to replenish my soul and prepare for next month’s grind. How to you celebrate your victories?